Fluorescent & Luminescent Conjugates
Fluorescent and luminescent labels enable some of the most sensitive detection technologies to be employed, and Fleet Bioprocessing Ltd. have lots of experience attaching fluorescent and luminescent labels to antibodies and other proteins.
Our experience covers small fluorescent molecules like FITC, eosin and the wide range of commercial fluorescent dyes, fluorescent polymers, and fluorescent proteins such as R-phycoerythrin (RPE).
Luminescent labelling is generally similar in bioconjugation terms, with acridinium esters and luminol and luciferin analogues forming some of the commonest label categories.
Contact us via our enquiry form here to discuss your fluorescent or luminescent conjugation requirements

Example Projects
1:1 Antibody-R-PE tandem dye conjugate
Fleet carried out an R&D program to develop a 1:1 conjugate of an R-phycoerythrin based tandem dye to an antibody target, including optimisation of the functionalisation chemistry, purification, and characterisation of the final conjugate adduct.
Fluorescent polymer conjugates for flow cytometry
Fleet routinely synthesise protein-fluorescent dye conjugates for the Gyrolab platform, both to support Fleet's own assay development projects and for external clients in the biopharmaceutical field. Clients have reported that Fleet's conjugates outperform those obtained from other vendors or manufactured in-house.
Regular supply of fluorescent antibody conjugates for defence application
Fleet routinely formulate fluorescent conjugates for a multi-national defence diagnostics company, for use in an automated immunoassay. These conjugates always meet the required label incorporation ranges, as Fleet understand and tightly control all of the key process variables in the conjugation method.
Routine manufacture of acridinium ester conjugates
Methods have been developed for conjugating a monoclonal antibody to an acridinium ester to support an automated luminescent assay. Multiple batches have subsequently been produced under GMP conditions to support a range of diagnostic products.
Fluorescent conjugates for biopharma development assays
Fleet routinely synthesise protein-fluorescent dye conjugates for the Gyrolab platform, both to support Fleet's own assay development projects and for external clients in the biopharmaceutical field. Clients have reported that Fleet's conjugates outperform those obtained from other vendors or manufactured in-house.