Gyrolab™ Centre Of Excellence
The Gyrolab™ system from Gyros Protein Technologies is one of the most widely-used high-throughput immunoassay platforms in pharma development, its compact disc (CD) microfluidic format allowing rapid assays to be carried out with very small sample volume requirements.
Fleet Bioprocessing Ltd. is proud to act as a Gyrolab Certified Assay Transfer and Development Partner, offering assay development, transfer and optimisation services for the user of the Gyrolab platform, applying our industry-leading expertise in all aspects of immunoassay design, development and validation to pharma development applications. Fleet operate both the Gyrolab xP and xPlore platforms for a range of throughput options.
To complement our assay design capabilities, Fleet’s renowned bioconjugation expertise allows us to offer reproducible and cost-effective supply of critical reagents for use in Gyrolab assays, such as fluorescent and biotinylated antibodies.

Example Projects
Program of Gyrolab assay developments for use by CROs
Fleet is currently carrying out an ongoing program of assay developments for the Gyrolab platform. Methods are being developed for a variety of commonly-encountered analytes to support easy adoption of the platform by CROs.
Gyrolab assay for viral protein in cell culture media
Fleet was rapidly able to develop a Gyrolab assay method for quantifying viral capsid protein in cell culture media. The assay could be used with the variety of required sample types, and was easily transferable to the client's facilities for use in routine analysis. The assay allowed considerable savings in reagent and sample usage plus analyst time compared to the ELISA kit previously used. Fleet continues to support the assay with supplies of critical conjugate.
Gyrolab assay for novel bispecific antibody drug
Using the Gyrolab platform, Fleet developed an assay for a novel bispecific antibody biopharmaceutical. The resulting assay was rapid and utilised only small volumes of precious sample. Dynamic range was suitable for use with preclinical toxicokinetic samples with only a single dilution step. The assay was easily transferred to the CRO performing the preclinical study for validation, and supported with additional batches of critical reagent.